Honestly, out of the like twelve or so muses I've got dancing around my head, you'd think I would have at least one up and about at all times. No such luck, of course. It seems they sleep all at once, vacation all at once, and go out on the town all at once. Somehow, if one muse is gone, all the muses are gone. If I can't write a poem today, in all liklihood, I'll fail pretty miserably at a short story too. Pretty unfair, I have to say. Some authors can write anytime. Is is true that we can always write? Yeah, you give a writer a prompt or an assignment, no sweat, no problem. Muses aren't for that. Muses are the little spouts through which we pour out everything inside of us onto paper. (Or computer screen). It is entirely possible to write fantastic pieces without the presence of one of our beloved muses but to write the near-and-dear and truly releasing stuff, we need those girls around. Grrr. I think my novel muse is off to Hawaii again.
"Sorry, I got nothing. One of my muses is sleeping, one is acoma, and another is dead. You're out of luck little voice in my head telling me to write or cry." (8/16/08)
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