(I love this show....Killian and Emma happen to by my OTP...<3 font="">3>
20. Sheriff Graham/the Huntsman
Graham was rather charming and admittedly, an imbecile at times. But he had a good heart and he earned a place on my list when he saved Snow which, of course, led to Emma's birth.
19. Charming/David
You may be wondering why Charming and Snow are so low on the list and I'm going to admit it's because I have a supreme bias against them at this point in the series. They've been selfish and condescending, thinking they can do shit because they are "heroes" and they've been pissing me off. Not to mention. They ALWAYS get to be together, no matter what they get their true love. But the love between say, my OTP Killian and Emma or my second favorite ship, Regina and Robin is NO LESS TRUE than theirs and yet....they get endless shit thrown their way that SEPARATES them, unlike the shit Snow and Charming get. Just saying.
18. Snow White/Mary Margaret
The only reason Snow makes it a bit higher than Charming is because she is in her earlier incarnations a strong female character far more badass than the original character, of course. BUT...still resentful toward her and Charming and all their damn lies and troublemaking and abandoning Emma when she needed them
17. Henry Mills
I know, Henry is the true believer, the Writer, all that good stuff. He MADE the list, didn't he? But honestly, he's young, he generally bores me, while I do respect the great love everyone has for him, overall he doesn't contribute much to my enjoyment most of the time.
16. Jefferson/Hatter
Jefferson had to make it somewhere on the list, aside from being cute and very good at being mad as a Hatter, his backstory and his reasoning behind all his madness tugs at the heartstrings. All he wanted was his daughter back.
15. Anton the Giant
you can't not adore Anton. He was the "littlest" of the Giants and he was trusting and sweet and I wish he was in the show more!!
14. Will Scarlet/the Knave of Hearts
Mostly Will made the list because, honestly, he is downright saucy, isn't he? You can't not be entertained by this slippery thief.
13. Cruella de Vil

This is an absolutely fantastic villain. I mean, come on! She is a legit psycho! And she does it so damn well. She's stylish, she's fabulous, she's positively evil and it's delicious, darlings
12. Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
Oh, Rumple...you know, he had a few moments where you really want to love him but alas, his greed, his need for power, his lust for it always has him doing all the wrong things and securing out hatred for him. However...the man has style. He is the villain you can live with because he is content to control and for the most part, now actively seek to do anyone harm that he has nothing against. If you bargain with him, it's on you but he does always keep his end of the bargain, the problem is he is terribly clever and usually in the end, comes out on top.
11. Belle
Oh poor, dear, Belle...her love for Rumpel is a constant source of pain for her. She continues to be tricked by him because she so desperately wants the good in him to overcome the need for power. It's terribly sad that he cannot be the man she needs and as much as you respect Belle for wanting to be a grand heroine and in many ways, she is, she is continually attached to this damned love story. However, her knowledge on magic growing and her skill in it growing is an aspect of her character I am really loving and I want to see her become this badass expert.
10. Mulan
Gotta love this badass female character, not only because she has basically traveled from realm to realm, story to story, training people to fight and generally kicking ass but also, love having a lesbian character. HOWEVER...goddammit, she deserves some love, honestly...she gets a love at some point, right? Because she keeps getting passed around and never really gets any emphasis on her. When do we get her story?
9. Ingrid/the Snow Queen
Now Ingrid was a pretty epic villain. And you really felt for her and her backstory. But her final moments, her sacrifice, that was what really makes you love her.
8. Maleficent

She's sassy, she's badassey, but more than that...when you found out what Snow and Charming did to her daughter...when she was willing to set aside her hatred and need for revenge for her child, you fell in love with this character. A villain is just someone who was hurt and betrayed. The villains in this series are made, not born, and I love that.
7. Merida
Merida is, of course, one of my favorites. Though I am not ok with the show's choice to KILL HER DAD. I adored Fergus. I want the happy family, I mean, dammit....WHY
6. Elsa
Of course I loved Elsa. Elsa is epic. And I liked that you could see the part of her that could have been the villain if it meant getting back her sister but her heart was good. I loved the relationship that developed between her and Emma
5. Robin Hood
Does this even need explanation? He is half of one of my ships. And aside from that, he is as dashing and charming as the other two members of our royal trio of men. Regina, Snow and Emma make up our town Queens and their counterparts are of course, Charming, Robin and Killian. And Robin is, honestly, the middle ground between Charming and Hook LOL equal parts hot bad boy and pure hearted hero.
4. Ruby/Red Riding Hood

She's a wolf, she is sassy, badass, kind hearted and did I mention a WOLF? I freaking love her, ok??
3. Emma Swan

Oh Emma, poor, Emma. She has been through so much shit. SO. MUCH. SHIT. She deserves her true love, goddammit. LET HER KEEP KILLIAN. I don't even care any more what Snow has gone through to keep Charming. it's nothing compared to what Emma has gone through to have Killian. She has sacrificed so much, suffered so much, and even at her darkest, she was STILL driven by LOVE and GOODNESS.

2. Regina/the Evil Queen

She has come SO FAR, ok?? Every time the writers jerked us around and sent her back down the path of evil I wanted to slap them silly. She has found her way right where she belongs and where we always wanted her and I LOVE HER. She is amazing.

My other main ship is right here. Regina and Emma as best friends gives me life, ok? The whole Charming family, extended included, and Regina being a major part of that, makes me so happy.
1. Killian Jones/Captain Hook
Just look at him....

I mean, seriously....

Ok, now that we've done our looking...and covered the most obvious reason he made number one....there's also his love for Emma which to me is even greater than Charming's for Snow, tbh. He is wicked, charming and clearly delectable but despite his years of evil deeds, he has a good heart and besides...we need more heroes clad in leather, don't we?

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