Why? Because I want to.
15. Dawn - Strange Magic
Admittedly, I like her sister better. But I was rather fond of Dawn as well. The whole movie was absolutely wonderful, it was the most adorable, hilarious, fantastic version of Midsummer Night's Dream ever, so of course it's full of great Fairy Characters.
14. Bloom - WINX
Now, I adored all the Winx fairies but Bloom was my favorite lol probably because she was like some fiery secret dragon like fairy and I have questionable maturity at times (I say this because I am aware I am a bit out of the target audience age group for this show lol)
13. Magi -Ferngully
I realize the expectation would probably be that I would prefer the main female lead but I just adore the wise, sassy, powerful but sweet crone sort of characters and in this case, Magi fits the bill :D
12. Queen Tara - Epic

I was totally bummed that she doesn't make it through the film, though I saw it coming. Queen Tara is regal and kind and everything a queen should be but what I liked about her was her playful interactions with her captain of the guard, Ronin, who clearly was her love interest and loved her as well, they just couldn't be together.
11. Mandy -Ella Enchanted
This household fairy was a bit ditsy, a total screw up when it came to magic and fiercely loyal to Ella and Ella's mother. But tbh, she made the list because she turned her boyfriend into a BOOK...for centuries.
10. Dr. Katherine Lewis -Toothless

Not the only version of the Tooth Fairy on this list but definitely the least excited to be a fairy for most of the movie. She is sassy and hilarious and a bit grumpy but it's really one of my favorite versions of the Tooth Fairy.
9. Fairy Godmother - Shrek 2
One of the few evil fairies on this list, you can't deny, this fairy is highly entertaining. The mother of Prince Charming, apparently, she is kind of a bitch and out to see her son become King one day and she'll do what it takes to get that to happen but as she commits her evil deeds, you can't help laughing.
8. Wanda - Fairly Odd Parents
Not that I don't adore Cosmo as well, and even Jorgen and the other fairies, but Wanda was always my favorite. Grumpy mom figure that she is. I loved that she was always having to save the boys from their own stupidity.
7. Sugar Plum Fairy - Strange Magic
This weird little version of the Sugar Plum Fairy being imprisoned by the Bog King was an entertaining, nosy thing who could NOT keep a secret and she was fun to watch lol
6. Merryweather - Sleeping Beauty
The fairies from the original Disney version of S.B. were my reason for watching that movie. There were no better scenes than first, the birthday cake and making the dress scene. That was pretty much priceless and I loved it. Then there was the ending scene in which they kept changing the dress. The fairies were wonderful. Merryweather was just my favorite, I always like the grumpy one lol.

5. Jareth - Labyrinth

I debated adding him to this because most people probably don't think of him as being a fairy. But the goblin King is not a goblin lol he is Fae and so by extent, we can call him a fairy. Now that we've decided he is a fairy, we all know why he's on the list. Jareth is more fabulous than any fairy on this list lol. The style. The hair. The voice. The BULGE, guys. The infamous bulge.
4. Tinkerbell - Once Upon a Time
The depictions of classic and some less classic characters in Once Upon a Time tend to be my favorite versions of the characters and in the case of Tink, this is definitely my favorite version of her. The sass of the original character is still there, but this a a version of Tink that has her having to earn back her wings and in which she is not the jealous little pixie chasing after Peter Pan but a strong female character all on her own.
3. Tooth Fairy - Rise of the Guardians
Tooth is my favorite version of Tooth Fairy and as flawless and wonderful as I find this film overall, as an individual character, I really adore the dorky but badass and still adorable character that Tooth is in this. She is really sweet, loves her job and when she punches Pitch is the moment you know you love her. And don't judge me here but I ship Tooth/Jack SO. HARD. #sorrynotsorry
2. Marianne - Strange Magic

So, what I love about Marianne, tbh is that when you think of a fairy, this is not what anyone is thinking of. She's dark and different and she falls for the Bog King, they rock, sometimes literally, together. It's fantastic. And her sister is precisely what you think of when you think of a fairy. But you love both of them. Because they're not just dark or just peppy. They have more to them than that and it's really great. And the dark one can be perky sometimes and the perky one can be angry sometimes. And they both fall for the person who fits them, not who they are expected to be with, for the person who doesn't look like what they are supposed to love but they love them anyway.

1. Maleficent - Maleficent
I adore Angelina Jolie and Idgaf what anyone says, she is the most perfect Maleficent ever. She did such a damn good job. She got the voice, the mannerisms, everything down so damn good. I loved that film so much. She is absolutely my favorite fairy of all time. #stillnotsorry

Oh and if you don't ship Maleficent and Diaval, don't even talk to me.
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