Friday, December 26, 2008

Never Make Plans

You ever notice how if you slave over plans for a big day and look forward to it for weeks and work really hard to set up for it and then...something comes up. I don't get mad about it. I just get annoyed with myself. I mean, geez! What's wrong with me? Why would I get my hopes up? I know perfectly well that nine times out of ten, things just don't go my way. Why bother getting all the chores done and getting up early to get said chores done so I won't be busy on day of big event (or small look-forward to event. Whatev) when I know it's probably not happenin'? Because I'm young, stupid, and female. And as a feminist, I should slap myself for saying that but let's be honest here. As a girl, though feminist I may be, I can't help myself. We get excited, we aim to please, and we worry. That's what it's like when we have a friend over, have a cousin over, have Great-Aunt Barb who can't hear anymore over. And it's worse during the holidays! Oh my god, it's worse. We turn into housewife, Santa's helper, Martha Stewart, Betty Crocker freaks of holiday-induced nature. I don't care if you're some little gothic princess who paints pentacles on your shoes to piss off "the man", you get the holiday jitters like every other woman and you may deny it to the very core of your bones, but you have the urge to bake cookies too! It's like it's attached to our DNA. So thank you, holidays! Now I have a kitchen table covered in desserts I'll never be able to finish off, a refridgerator filled to the brim with leftovers, thank-you cards I need to write coming out of my ears and one hell of a mess to clean up including a Christmas tree, stockings, and lights of all kinds. What did I do this cold Friday morning? (Btw, why the hell did Christmas have to fall on a Thursday?) I got up early this morning, like before seven, on a day I'm supposed to be on vacation, to clean up all the mess left from holiday havoc and midway through I get the lovely message "something came up." So, you know what? I'm cleaning up Saturday. Afternoon. Late afternoon. What's my message today, folks? NEVER make plans!

Oh, and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ;)

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Hostess to this mad tea party:

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I'm nothing but a lone wolf, misunderstood and labeled to be dangerous.