Monday, December 1, 2008

Because Random Ranting is our Right

Recently I was sent a writing prompt which gave birth to this little tidbit:

PROMPT: That's what happens when you follow your heart...

That's what happens when you follow your heart, you end up walking head-first into a brick wall with "HIT HEAD HERE" painted across it in bold lettering. Oh sure, the details vary a bit. Sometimes you walk off of a cliff or into a long tunnel in which the light you see turns out to be a train. Either way the point is basically the same. Love knocks out your senses in a way that can only be rivaled by death. You end up blindfolded, with cottonballs in your ears and nose, your mouth taped shut, and your hands handcuffed behind your back and all you can do is hope that whoever's leading you doesn't decide to take off and leave you to wander aimlessly in the darkness without so much as a hint to where you are. That's how we end up half-dead lying in a hospital bed where the surgeon explains that our shattered heart is inoperable and can't be put back together. And you know what we do after we've taped the pieces together the best we can? Hurry off to buy another blindfold, cottonballs, duct tape, and a pair of handcuffs.

Some other prompts from the email:

1) A group of students stumble upon a cave when they drift off from their classmates while on a picnic in the forest.

2) A new house owner discovers that the attic is completely empty save for a portrait of a woman placed up against the wall.

3) Someone finds a dead body. The only clue is a tiny golden key with initials on it.

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Hostess to this mad tea party:

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I'm nothing but a lone wolf, misunderstood and labeled to be dangerous.