's my Top 15 Favorite Tv/Movie Witches
15. Witch Carver from Brave
You can't not love her, ok? She's trying so hard to be a woodcarver but she always outs herself as a witch, lol. And whether it's her appearance in Brave or during Merida's story in Once Upon a Time, her ultimate goal is to see people make the right choices and fulfill their destinies. AND she makes kickass bear wood carvings, guys!
14. The Witch - Into the Woods
She automatically got points for being played by Meryl Streep but come on, she was awesome. I mean she comes in like hey, so...your parents are the reason I lost my beauty so I make your family INFERTILE....*evil laugh* AND...I stole your sister :D now...get me these things I need or you'll never have a baby, oh but I am still not giving back your sister, just FYI. She tries to offer up Jack to the angry giantess and tbh, she was really the most logical person for like half the film, just no one wanted to admit that lol.
13. Willow Rosenberg - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Now, I know Willow went a little nuts at some point but that's part of what got her on the list. Sweet, adorable little book nerd Willow may have gone too far down the bad bitch trail but the point is, she went. And she wielded some serious power, just saying.
12. Cassie Blake -Secret Circle
I was so bummed that show was cancelled. I was rather fond of it. And the idea that there was a difference between a witch and witch that was part of a coven, that one a witch became part of the coven, their powers were tied together and stronger BUT they had to have at least two of them together to do much of any magic O.O lol
11. Fiona Goode - American Horror Story Coven
You may have noticed this list isn't all about Good Witches or Bad Witches. I love my good witches, certainly, but you have to admit, there are some bad witches out there that were just played SO. WELL. Like they're evil, sure, but they're badass and you either love them or love to hate them. And Fiona was BADASS. She wasn't above killing other witches to retain her position and she was more than willing to get downright dirty to stay in power.

10. Bonnie Bennett - Vampire Diaries
Oh Bonnie. Poor, dear Bonnie. The shit that girl goes through. And despite her trips down the dark side, of which there have been many, growing progressively worse, she started out as a good witch and continues throughout the series to show that she has a heart and she means to do the right thing. But all that power is so alluring.
9. Winifred Sanderson -Hocus Pocus
Oh, well all know why Winnie is here. I mean, aside from being played by Bette Midler, which is ALL YOU NEED, Winnie is perfection. She is the most hilariously evil witch, She is so funny and honestly, so amusingly pitiful at times, you find yourself practically rooting for the Sandersons. Oh, you need to eat all the children in Salem? Well, just this once, so we can keep you :D

8. Muriel - Hansel and Gretal: Witchhunters
Alright, so, we have another child eater. I know, I know, she's pure evil. But DAMN, evil never looked so good. Not physically when she is transformed, lol, but she is a Grand Witch of Epicly Immoral Proportions. And she is terribly good at being truly bad.
7. Wendy Beauchamp - Witches of East End
Now, I like all the Beauchamp women and it was quite the chore choosing between Wendy, Joanna, Ingrid and Freya because I adore them all for different reasons. But I went with Wendy because one, she's a cat, which is awesome. And two, she is a bit likelier to use magic than the other three Beauchamp women. SOOO bummed they cancelled this show too *^*
6. Ravenna - Snow White and the Hunstman
Now, I realize that film was a bit of a flop, many people didn't like it. IDGAF, because of two, come on, guys, the Huntsman is played by CHRIS HEMSWORTH. And....Charlize Theron is the Evil Queen. I adore her. And whatever you say about the film, she did an incredible job with Ravenna who was both clearly evil as all hell...but also you could feel sorry for her, you empathized with her that her shitty life made her the way she was.
5. Morgana - Merlin

This is the role that made me LOVE Katie McGrath, ok? She played this role to perfection. Morgana is so lovable at the start of this series, the poor girl who doesn't understand her visions or why magic keeps effecting her life to the jaded woman who seeks ultimate vengeance. And even though she does SERIOUS evil, you can't blame her because if fucking Uther hadn't been such a dick or if everyone hadn't repeatedly lied to her and just told her what she was, she'd never have become the greatest evil power that world had ever known. Even when she was dark, she was FABULOUS.
4. Hermione Granger - Harry Potter Series
Well, of course, Hermione! Much like Willow, she was our book nerd, the witch we can look up to. Just because you are feminine, sweet or bookish doesn't mean you can't be brave and badass and go on adventures! Hermione was endlessly clever and portrayed beautifully by Emma Watson. And unlike Willow, she maintained her good heart throughout the entire series and never took the easy way out by joining the dark side or misusing magic.
3. Regina Mills - Once Upon a Time
I have loved Regina from the very beginning. Once the Evil Queen, yes, but from her point of view, she had every right to her revenge and yes, she was blinded by it but she wasn't always that way and she overcame that darkness and became one of the greatest forces of good in the show. I adore her, I absolutely adore her and I respect the change and I swear, every time the writers played around with her and made her tap back into evil, I wanted to THROTTLE them!!
2. Piper Halliwell -Charmed
I adore all the sisters, of course. Prue, least of all, admittedly, but her, Phoebe and Paige. But Piper was always my favorite. I was honestly relieved when Prue died because it allowed Piper to leave her shell, stop being the shy middle sister who just wanted to cook and not do magic and though she fought against magic's hold on her life for the entire series, as the oldest sister, she came into her own and became a complete badass. She also spent the entire series fighting for her love...she deserved Leo so badly, I mean, seriously. I felt for her. She is one of my favorite female characters ever, as well as one of my favorite witches.

1. Minerva McGonagall -Harry Potter Series
Minerva McGonagall, played by the incredible Maggie Smith is not only my favorite Harry Potter character but my all time favorite witch. She isn't all stern, she is maternal. She isn't just wise, she is fun and she appreciates a little mischief. She is powerful, there is no doubt. Unlike the other truly powerful characters in this series, she never flaunts it, never claims it, never acts on it. But when that wand comes out, everyone knows they better get up out the way because McGonagall is a BADASS.

^ Fucking THIS
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