And this one is my top 15 TV and movie Vampires!
15. Maximilian - Vampire in Brooklyn
Not an overly well known movie but I honestly enjoyed the performance and he was a very interesting vampire lol. You realized he wasn't the most moral character but you were kind of rooting for him anyway lol
14. Barnabas Collins - Dark Shadows
I'm starting to notice I tend to like quite a few flops lol. Ok, so it wasn't the best film ever made, I don't even care. I thought Barnabas was hilarious. He was a really amusing version of a vampire. And you know what? At least he didn't sparkle.
13. Alexia "Lexi" Branson - Vampire Diaries
The first of quite a few vamps from the Vampire Diaries that appears here because, tbh, it's one of my favorite depictions of vampires in tv or movies ever. I can't help it. You get sucked in and it's just irresistible lol. Lexi is one of the few vamps in this series who really, fully believes in the goodness that vampires can still have and in not letting the darkness take hold. Which is probably why they killed her off. Too inspiring, she was, too likeable lol.
12. The Brides of Dracula - Van Helsing
Yeah, yeah, I know, technically that's three vampires BUT I couldn't choose just one, they're really three parts of the same entity so. I wonder if Dracula would be insulted that his brides made me list but he did not. He was cool and all but his brides were just...way more eye catching. And not just because they had really great costumes. They were just really memorable. I loved them. They were the villains and yet, all they wanted to be was mothers.
You can't say they aren't stunning examples of vampires, lol

11. Akasha - Queen of the Damned
Now, don't get me wrong, Lestat is delectable. Really, lol. But Akasha was a bad bitch, ok? She stole the movie. It wasn't about Lestat or Jesse, it was all about Akasha, the Queen and Mother of Vampires. She was fanged perfection. Evil, yes, but gloriously so.
10. Rayne - Bloodrayne
So, I rather liked this film, tbh. I pretend the sequel doesn't exist because it was...well, terrible. It was terrible. And whether you like the film or not, you can't beat that outfit. If nothing else, she makes a good image of a vampire. Or a dhampir lol
9. Spike - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Well, his "vampire face" may not have been the most attractive thing you've ever seen, sure, but he made a great vampire. Torn between his nature and his love of his slayer. And evil or good or somewhere in between, he was always amusing as hell.

8. Mitchell - Being Human (U.K.)
It has to be the U.K. version because that means Aiden Turner who is positively adorable. Poor thing views being a vampire as a curse but whatever he does or however he regrets being one, he is precious
7. Selene - Underworld
Not gonna lie, she's a badass vampire female in black leather. I'm basically sold without even paying attention to the films.
You can say no to this:

6. Elijah Mikaelson - Vampire Diaries

And here's the second VD vamp on my list. He's one of the most gentlemanly vampires you're ever going to meet and he has a rather interesting set of personal morals that he adheres fairly strictly to. You can't help but enjoy this particular Original.

5. Rose Hathaway - Vampire Academy
Alright, I know you might be like she's not a vampire, she's a dhampir, but FIGHT ME on this because she is half vampire, just saying. So, that aside, I adore her. I resent her choosing Dimitri, I was on the Adrian Ivashkov ship all the way. Alas, my ship was SUNK LIKE THE TITANIC. I digress. Rose is a badass and I love her.

4. Eric Northman - True Blood

If I'm being honest, True Blood lost me. I got tired of most of the show aside from one particularly hot werewolf and one yummy vampire as in Eric Northman. A little evil, ok, I admit it, don't even care. A little evil but tame just for you is apparently a really hot combo. Just ask Sookie.

3. Niklaus Mikaelson - Vampire Diaries

Ok, so, I know, I know...evil...very very evil....but...funny, hot, artist, great lines and being a dark soul isn't his only characteristic. He does have feelings. Isn't that what gets us? Those villains with feelings.

2. Caroline Forbes - Vampire Diaries

Speaking of Klaus, here's his love interest. Now I admit, sick as it may seem to some people, I ship Caroline and Klaus pretty hard. However, I love Caroline no matter what. She is a fantastic character. She is a really good person who will do anything for those she loves. She really became who she was meant to be when she became a vampire. She is badass, loving and amazing and really one of my all time favorites

1. Damon Salvatore - Vampire Diaries
Yeah, that's right, we're back to the wicked ones with hearts, of which no one fits better than Damon Salvatore. Honestly, I cannot stand Stefan unless he's turned off his humanity. He is bland and sad and like a fanged wheat muffin when it's on, at least he is interesting when it's off. Damon, I love. No matter what. Wrong? Probably. #sorrynotsorrythough And yes, you guessed it, my ship? Damon and Elena. I like Elena better now she's a vamp but the reason I ship it is because dammit, Damon deserves this. Don't judge me.
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