I'm talking to you, Gods of Egypt
And for that matter, DC writers who made Kufu (based of an actual Egyptian pharaoh btw!) as light skinned as possible -___ wtf, guys? I notice the slaves and commoners in Gods of Egypt are darker skinned but I can't help noticing all the Gods are WHITE as hell. I love Egyptian mythology. I mean, I'm an Anthro major whose specialty is Ancient Civ, so naturally, I do, so you know...I'd kind of like to see my Egyptian Gods portrayed like EGYPTIANS. And the last time I checked, Egypt was still in AFRICA...
Speaking of being an Anthro major, here's a little science for you. Egypt is closer to the equator than say, England. So guess what? Ancient Egyptians, though not as dark as perhaps some other countries in Africa, would have had DARK SKIN because people that white living in Africa would have been BRIGHT RED FROM ALL THE BURNS THEY GOT FROM WEARING SO LITTLE DAMN CLOTHING, which of course they were wearing because it's FUCKING HOT IN AFRICA.
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