Saturday, January 17, 2015

All good things come to an end...but is that really necessary?

Why exactly must all good things come to an end? I mean, if it was necessarily to make room for better things, ok, that's great then but why is it that we expect, we know, if we are wise, that from the start of anything, it will inevitably come to an end? Should we not go into it with the shred of hope that somehow it will endure? Is it even possible for something to last? Should anything last forever? It feels like it should.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Well I did it

I went back and viewed my old posts. Some were worse than others, but overall I got one distinct impression. As unhappy as I thought I was back doesn't even compare to how I feel now. That legitimately scares me. I have been in a few really bad places before. The fact that I can clearly see how well I was holding on then...and how poorly I am holding on now...makes me worry. Maybe blogging is going to help get out some of that fog that's sitting inside me and obscuring everything so I can't think, can't work through how I feel, can't ground myself.

On a different note, saw this line in an old post:

"If you get bitten in the ass by Luna Lovegood, lovey good things will happen to you." 

Now that is gold. 

It's been quite a long time

I am under no impression that being older and hopefully wiser will have heightened my chances of readers. The death of this blog came years ago at a time in which I didn't need a blog. I had friends, I had people I could talk to, perhaps not my every thought and secret, but people to say something to. Now, it's 2015 and I have no one, no family, no friends, no one to share with. Now I need this blog. If only to feel almost like I am speaking to someone. No one is there, that's certain enough. I'm not like one of those people who make a blog or youtube videos and end up with their own tv show. If anything, I'm more a deranged college drop out pretending they're talking to real people to make themselves feel better. I'm a little worried about browsing my old posts. If I recall, I was a freshman in college the last time I used this blog, when there were still little hopes and dreams floating in my periphery like little beacons leading me forward even when I was sure there was no where to go. But they've long since vanished and left me standing in this one place, scared, alone, shaken, broken. A few months back, my father died. We lost our house shortly after. I'm holding up in Sacramento now, hometown has been left behind but it didn't hurt as much as I expected because as it turns out all these years, my supreme attachment to it wasn't that I was born and raised there. Sure, I love it for that, but my attachment to it was my friends, the people I thought were my real family. But in the end, blood and chosen both walked out on me. Now it's just the town I was born in. Not a place I need to be to be whole. Now I could live anywhere. Because I have nothing to tie me anywhere. Well, I could live anywhere if I could afford it. I think I will have to move this time next year, truth be told. Rent is high. I never envisioned this kind of loneliness again. Only it's worse now, with my dad gone. We had our issues (mostly that we were too much alike) but he was my constant. My mom left us. My sister left us. But my daddy never left me, not until he died. I watched him die. I wish I hadn't. There was no goodbye, no time to say anything. I wish I could have thanked him for always being there for me, even if I wasn't the best daughter, he was the best dad in the world. My one source of unconditional love. Now, I'm a broke bitch with depression and anger issues and oddly enough all these years I thought secretly that everyone's love was entirely conditional, I wasn't wrong. I look around and find myself standing here entirely alone. My so called family is gone, my so called friends are gone, not even a text or a FB message to pretend as though they aren't. My closest friends now are people I have never met and by closest I mean, we occasionally chat over a post on Facebook. Overwhelmingly close, that. Everywhere I look I see pictures and reminders of the things I've lost. I don't know how to not see them, I can't get rid of them, it would hurt too much. As if the memory of love can hold me over for the rest of my existence. Only was it ever love at all if it was so easy to leave? My family just up and left, never spoke another word, clean cut, and I can live with that. But my friends? No official goodbye, it's more like oh yeah, we're still friends, totally, even if we never want to see you again, never talk to you, and won't even pay you more notice than random people online we don't even know. Have I mentioned we've been friends for the past decade? My crime? Depression. I guess I'm bringing them down. I get that. Don't want me around, sure. But cutting me off entirely and copping out of it at the same time by not admitting that's what it is? Yeah, ok. I have my dogs and my cats...4 of the former and 2 of the latter. There's the oldest, Shiloe, she is my willful old lady. She pretends to be deaf and does whatever she wants. I kind of let her half the time because she's 14 and she has cancer, though she manages to be quite sprightly when she wants to be. Jake is my old man, Shiloe's son, he is 10. He is a nightmare. He never listens. Barks at everyone. But he is the most loyal dog on the planet. Tootse is next, she is 6, Jake's daughter, Shiloe's granddaughter. She is my little angel. Little yappy though, but so cute, you forget that. All purebred rat terriers, those three. Then there's my chihuahua, Salem. Adorable nuisance. Wants to be the alpha, very sneaky about it. Should have named him Loki. He's 3. Then there's the babies, my kittens, Trick and Stitch. Gorgeous black ragdoll mixes. My only really well behaved pets. Trick is beautiful. His coat is red underneath, very fluffy. He is also massive. 5 months old and he is bigger than some full grown cats I've had. That's my family, those 6. As you can imagine, none of them talk back. The more I have no one to talk to, the crazier I feel, and the closer to exploding I feel. Which brings me back to the point of this blog post. I need the blog now. I need to talk. Even if I'm really just talking to myself. 

Hostess to this mad tea party:

My photo
I'm nothing but a lone wolf, misunderstood and labeled to be dangerous.