Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Put Away the Vacuum

   Life is one big mess. We're all individual messes. Everything's just plain messy. Nothing's ever simple. Some things are just less complicated than others. We just make things simple. We put them into simple terms and make it all black and white. Simplicity doesn't really exist. Everything is a jumbled mess of emotions and choices and decisions and words and people and things. Some things are covered in dust, others are in disrepair. Your relationship may be a leaky faucet. Your home life may be an old blue van with a busted out window and a really low tire in the back. Or your life could be a happy mess. Messy isn't necessarily a bad thing. Messy can be a good thing. At some point in my messy-as-all-Hell life, the scale tipped from bad messy to better messy and then there was some weird sparkly powder thrown over everything that smells of some mythical substance called....hippieness....hiperness....Happiness! That's it. Sometimes, when you're busy digging through piles of crap and drama and chaos, happiness, or whatever it's called, sneaks up and bites you in the ass. Yay for being bitten in the ass by Cupid or fairies or whatever the hell it is that spreads love and happy feelings. I bet it's Luna Lovegood. If you get bitten in the ass by Luna Lovegood, lovey good things will happen to you. Bad joke? Yes. But you probably laughed anyway.

Hostess to this mad tea party:

My photo
I'm nothing but a lone wolf, misunderstood and labeled to be dangerous.