Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Witchy Note

   I will probably be gone this weekend and I just don't update my blog enough so I shall post my little message now. This weekend is Lughnusadh or Lamas or Harvest Day, whatever you want to call it. So I wanted to say Happy Lughnusadh to all my friends that celebrate it.

Btw, my favorite Wiccan just started up a blog and podcast for fellow Wiccans and Pagans. So, check out The Witchling Hour. There's a link on my page.

Here, Talent Fairy!

   You know what would be really nice? To have something to myself. Something that makes me unique. Something that no one I know does or does better. It would be nice if just once everyone didn't do everything better than me. Everyone else I know has "a thing" and I don't mean that in a creepy over PG-13 way. Everyone I know has something that they do that no one else can manage. Mediocre just bites. I want to find the Talent Fairy, probably located in Talent, Oregon (yes, this is a real place) and I want to steal her bag of Talent Dust and switch it with the Boredom Fairy's Boredom Dust (stolen last month at that Fairy convention I crashed. You'd be surprised where a pair of sparkly purple wings will get you).

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I Need to Get Published Yesterday

I've been published now maybe....eight or nine times? (Not counting our lovely highschool publication ^_^) In various anthologies over the years. What I need is to get a book published. Wouldn't it be nice to make a little money doing something that you love? I'm surrounded by writers. All my friends and I write. Wouldn't it be fantastic if we were the next Rowling, Kenyon, King and Koontz? I'm not optimistic or stupid enough to think I'll ever make a living doing this. Not that I wouldn't LOVE to. But it would be so nice to have a little help paying for school by putting my love for writing to work. My best friend and I have finally come up with the perfect plot for a story we started up way back when I was a sophomore in highschool. If we can just get it written, I think it might actually be good enough to be published. Will we become famous? Probably not. Rich? No way. But if we're lucky we might get ourselves a little pocket cult fandom somewhere who thinks we're awesome. It would be great to be one of those authors that a some group of random fangirls somewhere writes weird fanfiction for.

Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death

I have to get up in like four hours. So what am I doing still up? Some combination of creative juices flowing and just that I never get to bed anytime before five anymore. Consequences be damned. In a few hours it's off to help my friend paint her room. What I want to do right now is write. I've been wanting to write for DAYS. I can't wait until this next semester starts. I have time to read and write when I'm in school. Free time on campus and that trick at home where I write under the guise of homework. Muhahahaha. Greatest reason to take Fiction Workshop. Writing for homework? Best kind. I grrr at my math equations. But getting to write a little fiction makes up for that.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Disclaimer: This is an Airbender Spoiler

So, the new movie The Last Airbender is based on this EPIC tv series Avatar: The Last Airbender. The story follows the adventures of Aang and his friends in his quest to defeat the Fire Lord and bring peace to the four nations. The series is fantastic. Naturally, we've all been waiting for this film since long before there was talk of the film. And now that I've seen it, I can honestly say that I have never been so disappointed. It's depressing, really, just how much it's been butchered.  It's a freakin American made tv series and yet they decided everyone needed to try to put an Asian sounding spin on it because it's Anime, no matter how white the characters are. Newsflash, the nations cover the globe. Not just Asia. Oye ve. They changed names, they took out key characters. They even took out things that make the characters who they are. Katara's hair loopies and Sokka's dumb jokes, for example. Not in there. And I hate when films go out of order or worse, add stuff in. I swear, not once have I seen a book/tv show made into a movie and the movie turned out decent (except in the case of Lotr and Fullmetal Alchemist) Overall, when a book/tv show is turned into a movie, they butcher it. They don't do it justice. And it kinda hurts. On their own, some of them are good films so long as you are not a rabid fangirl for the books or tv show. In this case, this is a much beloved series that they totally destroyed on screen. And to make matters worse for them, the film cannot stand by itself. If you haven't seen the series, you'll have absolutely no idea what in the hell is going on. GIVE US THE KYOSHI WARRIORS! AND THE CABBAGE GUY! MAKE SOKKA TELL DUMB JOKES ABOUT MEAT! And don't get me started on how much I wish you hadn't cast Zuko the way you did. Or Uncle Iroh. Not to mention, Azula. Ew. Just ew. I've never been so disappointed in a film before. Which is particularly sad because I had damn low standards for it in the first place. Instead of making that awful movie, the Avatar writers should have made another book for the tv series, the only flaw being that it ended on a complete cliffhanger.

Hostess to this mad tea party:

My photo
I'm nothing but a lone wolf, misunderstood and labeled to be dangerous.