Friday, July 13, 2012

Hello, dear Apocalypse, where have you been?

So, my boyfriend is into the whole zombie thing. Obsessed, really. Its oddly charming. Now, I rather hate zombies, they freak me out. However, he has me rather firmly seated in the whole lets be ready for zombies! craze and he is really good at playing into my paranoia about being overly prepared for any and all emergency situations. So, why not? Kind of a cute thing to bond over, right? Now, if he wants a zombie wedding...nope, nope, nope. I can wait for the apocalypse to be filthy and carrying a machete everywhere I go.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ooh, Zombies, Zombies everywhere!

Zombie Pandemic
Zombie Pandemic

Will you survive the zombie apocalypse?

Updates in the Life of the Wanna-Be-Author

One - I am missing the letter p and most of the punctuation from my keyboard due to water being dumped on the poor thing at my 21st birthday. Which brings us to the second update!

I turned 21! Wicked, right? Now I just need the ID that says Im 21. Like Mark says "you arent REALLY 21 until you have the ID to prove it"

I got my first tattoo. Damned awful experience, really. The tattoo artist had an immediate dislike for me. I cant imagine why. Clearly my charming personality was lost on him. He seemed to be terribly annoyed at having to come into work and stormed into the building late. First sign that this wasnt going to be so pleasant. It took him half and hour to call me over at which point he revealed that he hadn't done his own sketch and was simply going to apply my original sketch directly to my calf. the look on my face was rather like " don't say..." but I went with it. I didnt pay attention to his improvised shading because I was far to preoccupied with the fact that he was pushing far deeper than necessary and seemed to relish the pain he was causing me. My friends were watching in what I read as horror while he worked. Confirmed later. I was far too stubborn to ask him to be a little gentler and chance him giving me another look that screamed girls shouldn't get tattoos! He pushed all the harder when my leg shook. Not my fault, I have no control over shaking when my body goes into shock. Your leg would move too if it were being drilled into, lol. By the end, I was ready to scream or pass out but I was determined not to, because it would only give him the satisfaction of knowing I couldn't quite handle it. I limped away from the table after over an hour of this and then had the pleasure of watching him very, very gently put a flower on my blonde best friends ass (she has really perky tits, btw) Like Baywatch ones.

Finally got my ears pierced again, lol. Not what I expected either. I was thinking they'd do a gun like back when I was ten. Oh no, it was a big ass needle they shoved through my ears. Hurt like a bitch! Too bad I didn't realize I needed to eat before I did that. Damn near passed out from low blood sugar. BUT they look great and they're healing great, so lesson learned and happy ending there.

I'm getting close to my 2 year anniversary now. Never thought I would be able to say that. But it is wonderful to be in love. Despite all the crap that comes with being in a relationship, when there is love, its all worth it. Every day its worth it. Good stuff, right?

Since the last time I posted, I lost two of my babies. My patches was 12 years old, ancient for a big breed. My little Rosie was barely 2. I was devastated. I still cant think about them without crying.

Life has been hectic these much to do, so much to forget, so much to struggle through, that blogging hasn't been a priority in quite some time. I miss vlogging but I'm webcamless now, so might as well get back in the habit of blogging the old fashioned way. lol. Maybe even REALLY old fashioned. Like writing in a diary, like when I was a kid.  

Hostess to this mad tea party:

My photo
I'm nothing but a lone wolf, misunderstood and labeled to be dangerous.