Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Amanda+Boredom+Computer still=Surveys and this is the strangest one yet

: Q1) When showering, do you start the water and then get in, or get in then start the water? Start the water first

Q2) Do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle? Sometimes when I'm in the shower and I'm for some reason bored, yes.

Q3) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the Herbal Essences commercials? Not to date, no, I haven't.

Q4) Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex? Nope

Q5) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings? Nope, I'm glad to say.

Q6) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower? Nope

Q7) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot? Several times

Q8) How old do you look? somewhere between 17 and 26, depending on who you ask

Q9) How old do you act? somewhere between 5 and 105, depending on when you see me

Q10) Whats the last song you sang? "Love Story"

Q11) Have you recently become a member of anything? Joined a Guild on Gaia

Q12) What are your plans for the weekend? Hang out at Julia's

Q13) Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed? closed

Q14) Whats the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice? Well, that name is totally sexy. What?!

Q15) Does anything on your body itch right now? Nope

Q16) Who's the sexiest famous woman alive? Let's be cliche and go with Angelina

Q17) Who's the sexiest famous man alive? Johnny Depp

Q18) Does every family have a crazy uncle? Mine does

Q19) Have you ever smuggled something into America? No

Q20) Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive? Totally

Q21) Do you live in a city with a good sports team? Um...

Q22) Have you ever finished off the popcorn and ate the junk from the bottom of the bag? Ew...

Q23) Have you ever had sex in a tent? No

Q24) What about in a boat? Also no

Q25) Have you ever dated a Goth? Yep

Q26) Would you rather receive amazing oral sex or have amazing sex? For once, I'm actually skipping a question.

Q27) Can you fix your own car? Not unless it has a flat tire, a chip in the paint or something I can duct tape

Q28) Would you want to kill George W Bush yourself if you were Guarunteed to get away with it? Nah

Q29) Should guys wear pink? They can if they want


1.) What is your name? Amanda

2.) Do you find it annoying when surveys ask for your name? Not particularly

3.) What do you plan to buy in the future? I was thinking about walking down to the store to get a sandwich in about an hour

4.) Where did you get the underwear you are currently wearing? Walmart, I think

5.) How many pairs of Converse do you own? One. They're green.

6.) Who is your favorite “That ’70s Show” character? Fez

7.) There is a mummy standing behind you. What do you do? Ask them if they know a guy named Rick O'Connell

8.) What do you think of Miley Cyrus? Not a fan

9.) Do you tend to think that you are always right? People think I do but I don't

10.) Top Five Favorite Songs: I love WAY too many songs to answer this accurately, but I'll give it a go anyway.
-"Hotel California" (The Eagles)
-"When You Say Nothing At All" (Alison Krauss)
-"Poison" (Alice Cooper)
-"A Thousand Miles" (Vanessa Carlton)
-"Walking On Broken Glass" (Annie Lennox)

11.) What was your favorite toy as a child? My stuffed Nala doll

12.) Have you thought more about your funeral, or your wedding? I have always made jokes about my funeral and what it will be like. I have never anticipated getting married. I find that highly unlikely to occur.

13.) Dinosaurs or Unicorns? Unicorns rock but dinosaurs is a wider catagory and I have always been fascinated by them.

14.) What is your favorite musical? Lol. One of the GHS ones, I'm sure.

15.) You need new jeans. Where do you go? Walmart, probably.

16.) Do you play the Sims 2? Nope

17.) Do you think Harry Potter is at all immoral to read? Not in the least. It's fiction. We should be allowed to escape this world and set our imaginations free in such places sometimes.

18.) What do you think of Maroon 5? Well, let's just scale of 1-5 this, shall we? No pun intended. (2)

19.) What about Coldplay? (2)

20.) Fall Out Boy? (2)

21.) Katy Perry? (4)

22.) How about The All-American Rejects? (4)

23.) Have you ever snuck into an R-rated movie when you weren’t old enough to see it without parents? Everytime I saw an R-rated movie before this last year.

24.) The Wii or Xbox 360? Wii

25.) Team Demi/Selena or Team Miley? What?

26.) Do you know many Emily’s? A few

27.) What do you think of the Jonas Brothers? Well, I don't wish them ill will. Is that enough?

28.) Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out? Plenty of times

29.) What is your favorite kind of Girlscout cookie? Caramel Delights

30.) Do you enjoy surveys? I must or I wouldn't be to question 30

31.) What do you hear at the moment? Eddie Money

32.) Why do you think so many people love myspace? We're easily amused

33.) What do you think of people who do illegal drugs? I think, in most cases, they could be doing something better

34.) Do you watch the Olympics? I catch the highlights

35.) What are your top five favorite stores? Borders, Barnes N Noble, Dimple, Martha's Closet, and Target. I really don't shop.

36.) Do you like the new Weezer album? Um?

37.) What did you think of Panic at the Disco taking out the exclamation point in their name? I was mildly saddened by that, actually.

38.) What is the worst job you have ever had? Babysitting a demon child is about it

39.) Have you ever been to Minnesota? Nope and I have no plans to

40.) What is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen on TV? Probably something on Adult Swim

41.) Do you watch informercials when there is nothing on? No, luckily I have DVR

42.) What is your favorite Disney Show? Kim Possible or Recess

43.) Have you ever seen the Wedding Singer? Not all of it, no.

44.) Top five reasons people rank things: Something selfish, I imagine

45.) Have you ever gone camping? Yes

46.) What do you miss most about elementary school? Nothing

47.) What do you do when you want to fill out a survey, but none of your friends have posted surveys that you have not taken yet? Go find one and post it myself?

48.) What is your favorite kind of DQ Blizzard? Never had one

49.) Has anything funny ever happened to you while in Wendy’s? A bird crapped on my mother's shoulder while she was sitting with her arm out of the car. That was hilarious.

Hostess to this mad tea party:

My photo
I'm nothing but a lone wolf, misunderstood and labeled to be dangerous.