50. Olivia Benson (Law & Order: SVU)
I definitely don't have time to catalogue all the shit Liv has survived but she's certainly earned her place on the list standing up for the victims and getting justice for them.

49. Tom Mason (Falling Skies)
This is where the "Precious Puppy" section of this list begins; Tom is the first in this section of badass characters who are also cute and squishy. Tom may be a history nerd but he can also really throw down, with human or alien enemies.
48. Sabrina Spellman (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Ok, old Sabrina was all cinnamon roll but new Sabrina is also kind of terrifying.

47. Peggy Carter (Agents of Shield)
Well, I wouldn't piss her off O.o

46. Maeve Millay (Westworld)
The woman is basically unstoppable. Even if you kill her, she's still coming to kick your ass and get her daughter back.

45. Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Why so low on the list? Well, she was still squishy for half the show, but she was waiting, learning, growing through her own personal Hell and eventually...she'd become the woman who'd treat her rapist to being mauled to death by his own dogs ;)

44. James "Sawyer" Ford (Lost)
Sexy, saucy and secretly squishy on the inside, oh, Sawyer.

43. Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds (Firefly)
Dashing, adorable, often doing things that are quite illegal, Mal may be a sweetie but he's also the last person you want to cross.

42. Olivia "Liv" Moore (iZombie)
I mean, she's a seriously dangerous zombie? And she'd have no trouble hiding your body.

41. Scott McCall (Teen Wolf)
He's precious! And probably the nicest werewolf who has ever lived. But he's also a true Alpha and despite being constantly underestimated, Scott always came out on top.

40. Kara Zor-El/Danvers (Supergirl)
Look, I know, she's got all the same powers as Superman, but come on...she's like the sweetest lil cinnamon roll who ever cinnamon rolled, ok?

39. Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
I know he softened up a bit after he fell for Buffy but we shouldn't forget he was responsible for killing multiple Slayers and countless members of his own kind.

38. Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
An actual giant puppy. But a scary puppy filled with demon blood and anger.

37. Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Half an actual giant puppy ;) But seriously, he's the sweetest, most honorable character on the damn show but you know, he's also been kicking ass since his first five minutes on the Wall. Oh, and he rose from the dead and is probably gonna get to ride a dragon, so.

36. Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead)
He tries so hard to be a really good dude but like, whatever you do, don't piss him off O.O

35. Kat Loving (Strange Empire)
Extra points for how much she doesn't give a fuck what chauvinists think.

34. Minerva "The Widow" (Into the Badlands)
Ok, she's like a little evil? But she's also a feminist with sword skills that make sexist men weep.

33. Portia Lin (Dark Matter)
She's been very bad, guys, and she'll do it again if you piss her off.

32. Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon a Time)
I know, he's ridiculously powerful, but he's also a coward hiding behind his powers. Sorry!

31. Wynonna Earp (Wynonna Earp)
Even when she's drunk she makes Revenants run scared lol

30. Bellamy Blake (The 100)
My poor dumb puppy means well. He's protective and loving and so loyal, but his death toll is only beaten out by his sister and the obvious love of his life, Clarke ;)

29. Vanessa Van Helsing (Van Helsing)
When she's without a weapon, she's been known to literally tear people's throats out with her teeth, so.
28. Octavia Blake (The 100)
A trained warrior turned psychotic Queen, she's intimidatingly skilled and nuts.

27. Jessica Jones (Jessica Jones)
I love my super strong alcoholic baby, ok?

26. Irisa Nyira (Defiance)
Feisty and freaky, stay on her good side.

25. Piper Halliwell (Charmed)
I'll die on this hill, ok? Sure, it's the Charmed Ones as a whole that are the most powerful witches who have ever lived, but Piper is repeatedly singled out as the most powerful individual witch. She's the fire power, she's the potion expert, she's the mom and she will blow your ass up if you touch her family. At one point in the series, they literally become Greek Goddesses and her sisters are basically useless but Piper just casually defeats the Titans on her own when it took the ENTIRE GREEK PANTHEON to do it before, so...I. WILL DIE. ON THIS HILL.

24. Jax Teller (Sons of Anarchy)
Jax literally doesn't care who you are, he'll revenge kill you.

23. Raven Reyes (The 100)
Guaranteed, Rae will find a way to ruin you. She's wicked smart and likes explosives ;)

22. Lexa (The 100)
The Commander wasn't just a pretty face, she was a seriously skilled badass. In fact, to even become Heda, you basically have to kill all the competition, so O.o

21. Michonne (The Walking Dead)
You knew she was a badass the second she appeared with a katana and two maimed walkers on leashes.

20. Castiel (Supernatural)
Sure, he's a precious baby in a trench coat sometimes but he's also been a superpowered angel-god thing and has periodically been completely terrifying.

19. Lagertha Lothbrook (Vikings)
She's a survivor and she'll seriously fuck you up if she has too. Whatever it takes, Lagertha never left the fighting to her husband.

18. Declan Harp (Frontier)
Let's be honest, any character played by Jason Momoa can kick your ass and we all know it.

17. Eric Northman (Trueblood)
Bad sexy vampire terrified and killed even older vampires, so.

16. Khal Drogo (Game of Thrones)
Jason Momoa...enough said.

15. Ronon Dex (Stargate Atlantis)
Let's say it together, "JASON MOMOA" only plays badasses.

14. Takeshi Kovacs (Altered Carbon)
Let's be real, they locked him up for friggen ever because literally whoever becomes his enemy is screwed. They're done.

13. Talon (The Outpost)
My blackblood baby girl is the baddest thing around and I never get tired of watching her kick big armor-clad soldier's asses, ok?

12. Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)
I feel like this is self explanatory. I mean, he's a crossbow-wielding badass on a motorcycle with a loyal streak a mile wide that has driven him to extremes to defend his family.

11. Five (The Umbrella Academy)
He looks innocent enough. But he's a time traveling assassin and he will kill you.

10. Bo Dennis (Lost Girl)
She's a sweetie but she's also the daughter of a succubus and a God so...run for your lives, she can literally suck it out of your body.
9. Klaus Mikaelson (Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
The first hybrid between vampires and werewolves and he's basically impossible to kill. Oh and you know, he's periodically super evil and murder-happy O.o

8. Regina Mills (Once Upon a Time)
Being the Evil Queen may be behind her but Regina is very powerful and very driven. Even if she's gone from terrorizing to protecting, crossing her is likely the last thing you will ever do.

7. Wolfgang "Wolfie" Bogdanow (Sense8)
Remember that time he surprised his enemies by blowing up their car with a missile launcher? Yeah.

6. Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
You thought she was a badass as the Savior? She even did a stint as the Dark One and, just throwing this out there, she made controlling it look freaking easy.

5. Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)
For being one of the youngest and cutest characters on the show, she's also easily the best trained killer to set foot in Westeros. Her badass points overflowed when she finally visited that long-awaited vengeance on House Frey and I'm pretty sure I cried when she slit Littlefinger's throat, ok? She's my precious Murder-Baby and I love her.

4. Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Sure, all Slayers (who are naturally all badasses) slay vampires...Buffy got DRACULA

3. Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Dean was already a badass to begin with, alright? A leather jacket wearing, classic American muscle driving, binge drinking badass demon and monster hunter that earned the respect of all the other hunters even from a young age. And then...sometime later, he'd survived Hell AND Purgatory, he's slain Gods, Leviathan, even DEATH. Other hunters don't just respect him, they're terrified of him.

2. Clarke Griffin (The 100)
The Grounders don't call her Wanheda, the Commander of Death for nothing. She's killed literally HUNDREDS of people before she went and survived the nuclear apocalypse. The last mistake you will ever make is trying to harm someone Clarke Griffin loves.

1. Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
She's the Mother of Dragons and about a hundred other impressive titles. She's got dragons, she's got armies, she's basically the most terrifying person in the entire series. Every single moment she's setting the ass of someone who really deserves it on fire is a beautiful moment. Serious points for balls to Jaime Lannister for not seeing her ride into battle on a giant hellbeast and not immediately going home.