He wasn't my favorite character but you have to admit there was something charming about the well-meaning thief.
29. Maleficent

As the rest of this list will show, villains look damn good in Once Upon a Time ;) Plus, she's a DRAGON.
28. Ariel

I mean, come on, she's adorable!
27. Mulan

She's not just pretty, guaranteed, she can also kick your ass.
26. King Arthur
He was an asshole, but he was a hot asshole.
25. Milah

Milah was a bad mother and she showed up way more times than she should have on Emma's family tree, but she looked good while she was being awful.
24. Dr. Frankenstein/Dr. Whale
Admittedly, he was a little crazy. But like an attractive crazy.
23. Anastasia/The Red Queen
She's a very pretty mean girl with a tragic backstory, a OUAT speciality.
22. Little John

Bearded dad bod? Yes, please!
21. Cruella

Oh, she was so bad, but it was so good.
20. Tinkerbell

Spunky and cute!
19. Prince Phillip
What are fairy tales without yummy princes?
18. Anton

Too precious for this world!!
17. Merida

I don't know what's better, that hair, her skills with a bow or that accent :D
16. Jack

Jack was very, very mean, but she was hot.
15. Jasmine

That's right, I'm saying it; she's hotter than Aladdin.
14. Robin Hood

Not just gorgeous, a thief with a heart of gold!
13. August/Pinocchio

It's weird that Pinocchio is so hot, I know, but he was!
12. Ingrid

She was cold as ice, at least at first, and ethereally beautiful.
11. Anita

I mean, werewolf!
10. Graham/the Huntsman

Poor, gullible, sexy Graham...
9. Belle

She's so pretty O.O not to mention her impeccable fashion!
8. Snow

She's so cute and perfectly suited to the role of Snow White.
7. Jefferson

The Mad Hatter of OUAT was really quite dashing, despite being also quite mad.
6. Charming

He certainly lives up to his name lol. His evil twin was obviously likewise gorgeous
5. Elsa

So pretty, so scary, so actually sweet and loyal to her loved ones <3 font="">3>
4. Emma

Emma Swan, not just a pretty face and the magic of being a protagonist, oh no, she's got a red leather jacket and attitude and I freaking love it.
3. Ruby

Like I said before, werewolf! Also, she's a statuesque beauty sporting my favorite colors :D
2. Regina

I never thought I'd be this attracted to the Evil Queen when I grew up but daaammnn.
1. Killian

Obviously...I mean he's a pirate...a sexy, sexy pirate in a sexy, sexy outfit, with a sexy, sexy voice and he's sooo good at being both bad and good and I don't even care what he's doing as long as we get to stare at him doing it.